Winery Installation
A winery in Upstate New York needed to increase mixed liquor treatment capacity. The winery wastewater treatment plant consists of a series of concrete lined circular ponds. A Head works followed by the equalization/mixing basin, followed by two long-retention, activated sludge ponds, followed by two clarifiers, and finally a sand filter. The daily inflow is 45,000 GPD with peak loads at crushing time up to 90,000 GPD. Pond 1, the equalization/ mixing pond has a diameter of 72′, pond 2, the first activated sludge pond has also a diameter of 72′, and pond 3, also activated sludge, has a diameter of 90′. The activated sludge empties into both clarifiers and from there is passed through the sand filter to be finally discharged into a trout stream

Application Task
Increase liquor treatment capacity; accommodate various (changing) manufacturing processes with daily influent of 45,000 GPD (gallons per day). Balance microbiology so that process BOD loading can be accommodated.
Installation of the Bioreactor System in the 96,000 gal. primary treatment lagoon.
Impact (following an operation period of ten months)
- Unit installation occurred within 2 hours; no crane needed.
- Significant reduction in odors. Greatly reduced need for additional bio-augmentation.
- Increased and stabilized biofilm biodiversity on circular pond concrete walls22.
- Increased liquor recirculation / contact time – 11X / 24 hr.
- Decreased power consumption (30 – 40 %). Prior plant consumption was 150hp. Installation of the PRISMSS Bio Reactor© resulted in a power utilization decrease of 20 to 60hp with a maximum reduction to 86.5hp.
- Decreased BOD loading cycles – up to 50%.
- Increased flocculation; significant reduction in foaming.
- COD: 1,000+ mg/L reduced to ~ 100 mg/L.LSS (2) ionadequate aeration, and
- BOD23: Treated levels ~ 3-4 mg/L.
- Sludge reduction
- Quick recovery to normal levels of BOD, which previously have taken ten days, take 2-3 days.
- Limited flocking had previously occurred. With use of the bioreactor system a more developed and constant flocculated structure appears in the mixing/equalization basin. Higher mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS).
- Significant reduction of foaming.
- Quick recovery to normal levels of BOD.