Land Based Fixed Film Bioreactor
A regional fruit juice processor uses batch-processing to prepare pressed fruit juices (apple, cider, carrot, cherry, mango, berry, citrus blends, and vegetable blends). Limited discharge availability to pressed wastes, and liquids – with discharge to surrounding fields. Process volumes are high in sugars and solids.
Two models of units are available to meet your needs.
Epoxy-coated steel
- For higher flows
- For permanent installations
- Up to 1,750 cubic feet of microbial growth
High Density Polyethylene
- For average flows or ongoing system maintenance
- Lightweight and easily moved between installations
- Up to 950 cubic feet of microbial growth.
Application Task
Wastewater reclamation, reduce BOD, eliminate ordors, reduce process solids and sludges. Eliminate local septic discharge.
- Fixed-filmed bio-processing provides the efficient merging of oxygen, carbon, and microbe consumer. Simply aerating a tank/lagoon moves waste (carbon) around, but does very little to maximize microbe contact.
- Fixed bio-film technology is a potent process efficient multiplier, accommodating increased process volumes without incremental increases in associated process costs.
- Our patented Activated Sludge micro-bubble air diffusion system directs laminar flow of wastewater across the fixed bio-film. This results in increased contact time, lower BOD levels, and lower process costs.
- Responsive to variability’s in batch and flow characteristics. Process-treat rather than storage-treat!
Application Technology
- Smaller Footprint – The Fixed-film land Bioreactor can be scaled to the process – accommodating variable residence times, process volumes, and waste constituents.
- Lower Capital Investment – taylor the application to process flows.
- Log-Scale Treatment Efficiency – provides for unique, large, specific interfacial contact-area (biofilm matrix) with low-energy inputs.
- Process Microbiology – allows for mixed batch variability in pH (cleaning caustics) and BOD conditions accommodating variable batch processing conditions.
- Adaptable Processing – depending on flow, continuous or intermittent, each BioReactor has a treatment capacity of about 5000 BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) per day!
- Sludge Reduction – byproduct can be used as a fertilizer
- Lower Operating Costs – when compared with other processes.